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This advanced seminar is a must for Florida Civil litigators. Trial skill topics include Opening & Closing, Voir Dire, Preserving the Record for Appeal, and Electronic Discovery. Experienced board certified lawyers provide Florida law updates as well as tips and tricks relevant to the everyday practice of civil and business litigators. In addition, the Trial Lawyers Section offers this review for those preparing for the Board Certification exams in Civil Trial or Business Litigation and for anyone considering board certification in the future.
Opening Remarks Edward Cheffy, Naples - Program Chair
Trial Skills: Voir Dire Elizabeth Faiella, Winter Park
Trial Skills: Opening & Closing F. Gregory Barnhart, West Palm Beach
Remarks about the Board Certification Exams
Business Litigation Manuel Farach, West Palm Beach
Trial Skills: Preserving the Record for Appeal Jack J Aiello, West Palm Beach
Civil Procedure Matthew J Conigliaro, Tampa
Ethics and Professionalism Edward K. Cheffy, Naples - Program Chair
Recent Developments in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Gary D. Fox, Miami
Electronic Discovery and Technology Gregory S. Weiss, West Palm Beach
Evidence Terry Lewis, Former Circuit Court Judge, Tallahassee
14.5 Business Litigation
14.5 Civil Trial
14.5 CLE, 1 of which may be applied towards Ethics
1 of which may be applied towards Professionalism
1 Technology CLE
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