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Feng Shui your Appeal: Create the Energy to Succeed
Course Number:
Original Program Date:
October 17, 2023
59 minutes
Available for 90 days after Registration (04/02/2025)
Feng shui literally means “wind” and “water” in Chinese. It is the ancient practice of arranging space to promote a harmonious flow of chi, or energy. Feng shui philosophy suggests that we live in an invisible field of energy. Perhaps surprisingly, applying certain feng shui principles to the appellate process may help create the energy needed to win an appeal. This webinar presented by Neil Rose will provide guidance for lawyers to seeking to improve their approach to the appellate process—from intake to oral argument—and thus improve the chances of winning an appeal.
Feng Shui your Appeal: Create the Energy to Succeed Neil Rose, Esq., Hollywood
1 Appellate Practice
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