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Basic Business Litigation 2023
Course Number:
Original Program Date:
October 31, 2023
6 hours 13 minutes
Available for 90 days after Registration (05/09/2025)
Your access to this program will expire 90 days from purchase date. Upon completion, you must report the credit in your MyFloridaBar Member Portal.
NOTICE TO ALL BAR MEMBERS WITHIN THEIR FIRST THREE (3) YEARS OF ADMISSION: Pursuant to Rule 6-12.1(b), Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, you are required to complete three (3) “Basic” level substantive CLE courses presented by the Young Lawyers Division within your initial 3-year cycle after admission to The Florida Bar. (This is in addition to your attendance at the Practicing With Professionalism Seminar). This seminar satisfies one of the course requirements. Programs are available anytime through TFB’s 24/7 On Demand Catalog. This expanded delivery method option for satisfying the BSCR only affects those attorneys who have not yet completed the BSCR.
Basic Business Litigation is a full-day program intended for the new lawyer. This program will cover related statutes and best practices with topics to include the following: Non-Compete Agreements Moneyede Martin, Miami
Business Torts & Tort Reform Judge Christopher Nash & Professor Anthony Palermo
Alternative Dispute Resolutin Adam Myron, Wellington, FL
Hot Topics in Intellectual Property - Practical Strategies for Advising a Client Accused of Patent Infringement Andriy Lytvyn