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Judicial Panel on Professionalism in the Digital Courtroom - Please Remain Muted Until Your Case is Called
1.5 CLE; all of which may be applied towards Professionalism
Course Number:
Original Program Date:
April 8, 2024
1 hour 28 minutes
Available for 90 days after Registration (06/12/2025)
What are the professionalism standards for court appearances when you never set foot inside a courtroom? Come attend this judicial panel discussion on what are the expectations of judges when you appear before them virtually. Hear from circuit court judges on their views of the changing landscape as the courthouse moves to your office in the virtual world. Understand unique issues when appearing virtually. Are the professionalism standards different for virtual appearances. How do you deal with professionalism issues in this "new normal"? Come learn how judges are addressing professionalism in the digital world and learn essential dos and don'ts to make sure you meet your professional obligations.
Judicial Panel on Professionalism in the Digital Courtroom - Please Remain Muted Until Your Case is Called Hon. Michael J. Rudisill, Sanford Hon. William H. Burgess, III, New Port Richey Hon. Christopher C. Nash, Tampa
1.5 Civil Trial
1.5 CLE, All of which may be applied towards Professionalism
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